
目前顯示的是 2014的文章


Our home made brunch  with the gift of honey from a British gentleman purchased in Japan   26 October 2014 Breakfast at Labour Day 27 October 2014

那幾個美好的瞬間 - Those beautiful moments

昨天趕去大學課堂的路上的幾個美好瞬間: 我照例沿著藝術表演中心的人工湖,向著校區中心走去。經過餐飲中心時,看見我運動休閒所的指導老師穿著藍毛衣的背影,正專注地看著一份報紙... 我趕著考試,因此沒有過去打破那份寧靜。 走著經過咖啡館中間的穿堂,迎面過來一對母女。那位母親將自己穿著像一朵鬱金香一樣,母女二人臉上都帶著春陽一般燦爛卻溫暖的笑容。我回報一笑並匆匆擦身而過。 出了穿堂時,自動玻璃門迎面張開處,竟是一位做五零風格穿著的儒雅紳士。儘管他斜倚著咖啡館外石牆的姿態看似懶散,但黑框眼鏡背後的眼神卻是若有所畔。他似乎等著可能從五零年代走出的伊人。我不是他期盼的佳人,但止不住對他的耐心報以微笑。 當我爬坡走向樓梯時,一道高大的身影投射在我眼前的地上,與我並肩而行。轉身一看,原來是我許久不見主修視覺設計的劍道女學生。 她對我說:「老師,我今天蓄意在這兒等您,因為太久不見了,很想念您。我可以陪您走到教室嗎?」 Re: Those beautiful moments in a sunny Thursday It was a bright sunny day yesterday. As usual, I parked my car off road on the other side of campus field and walked along the way around lake pass by Performing Art Centre toward S block to attend lecture. I was walking in a hurry but still sighted a very familiar back who dressed the color of blue-sky jumper sitting in the corner of food court close to lake side reading newspaper. It’s Clive, my supervisor of Sport and Leisure Studies. Oh, I miss him so much. But I kept moving forward without disturbing the quiet atmosphe...

無心 - No "winning" mind

I had an awesome keiko (training) in Dojo last evening with Colin. That's the first ever Kendo keiko we had since 2000 we met in Christchurch National Seminar. It's a challenging and productive keiko. What made it challenging is we are new to each other in regarding Kendo practice. But none of us wants to "win" from each other. Instead, we try to make an ippon. The productive part is I understand myself more after Colin told me how he felt about my seme. 昨天跟一位認識將近十五年的劍友,終於有了第一次的比賽練習。 這對我而言,是一次很具挑戰性以及收穫豐富的比賽練習。因為,我們儘管是老朋友,但是 在劍道上卻像是從未謀面的對手。重點是,我們心裡對於彼此的信任與安全感,讓我們都沒有想要贏對方的意思,反而是希望能夠擊出「一本」。 練習之後,我們很自然地分享自己剛剛在練習時的心態以及對彼此的看法。就在Colin跟我描述了他對於我的「攻」的感覺之後,我更加了解自己,以及需要加強的地方。

情書 - Love Letters

臉書/網路方便了現代戀人,但是也減少了許多可以互相想念的機會。 從前,用手寫情書,得細細想過才落筆,因為原子筆擦不掉,鉛筆寫卻嫌不夠慎重。而收信人在等待下一次郵差按鈴之前,一次次地將信紙抽出信封,反覆閱讀,細細品味,以至於可以讀出寫信人那字裡行間的款款深情。 網路發達的現代,即便是分住南北半球,一個簡訊才送出,回應立刻出現在手機螢幕上。經常,連字都不用打了,因為可以直接拍照,甚至有許多表情貼圖可以運用。這樣的方便,讓戀人不只變懶惰了,連想念對方的時間成本都省卻了。那雋永的深情,便也無從培養了... Internet benefits us and modernize our live but it makes lovers' have no time to "miss" each other. Once upon a time, we have to think things over then write it down as there is no "delete" key available. The receiver spends lots of time to read the love letter over and over before the postman comes again. That made them could find the hidden message between the lines, which enables them to have enough time nourishing the love between. Nowadays, people get reply in few seconds. Quite often, there's no need to text; a snap shot, a handy emoticon can express everything. In a sequence, lovers are not just becoming lazy to write, they don't even need to miss each other. Love can vanish anytime.