臉書/網路方便了現代戀人,但是也減少了許多可以互相想念的機會。 從前,用手寫情書,得細細想過才落筆,因為原子筆擦不掉,鉛筆寫卻嫌不夠慎重。而收信人在等待下一次郵差按鈴之前,一次次地將信紙抽出信封,反覆閱讀,細細品味,以至於可以讀出寫信人那字裡行間的款款深情。 網路發達的現代,即便是分住南北半球,一個簡訊才送出,回應立刻出現在手機螢幕上。經常,連字都不用打了,因為可以直接拍照,甚至有許多表情貼圖可以運用。這樣的方便,讓戀人不只變懶惰了,連想念對方的時間成本都省卻了。那雋永的深情,便也無從培養了... Internet benefits us and modernize our live but it makes lovers' have no time to "miss" each other. Once upon a time, we have to think things over then write it down as there is no "delete" key available. The receiver spends lots of time to read the love letter over and over before the postman comes again. That made them could find the hidden message between the lines, which enables them to have enough time nourishing the love between. Nowadays, people get reply in few seconds. Quite often, there's no need to text; a snap shot, a handy emoticon can express everything. In a sequence, lovers are not just becoming lazy to write, they don't even need to miss each other. Love can vanish anytime.