

--   06/04/2016,天氣晴





這一次,我向公司遞辭呈的理由,仍舊是為了考試。不同的是,我是要去考雅思 (IELTS) 向教師工會證明我的英文能力,以便修讀紐西蘭中等教育學程。因為我下一個目標是進入紐西蘭的高中擔任中文教師。




This is a hard decision. However, I wish you could forward my resignation to XXXX in order to obtain her approval.

As per my oral report to you last afternoon, I need time to prepare IELTS test to achieve the requirement from Teachers’ Council so that I could have opportunity to study Teaching diploma.
I had a very successful interview last December in University. My interview panels from Teacher’s Education centre really want me to join the preservice teacher’s programme.  Unfortunately, rule still has to be followed.  Until I gained the required English test results, the gate is not allowed to be opened for me.

I made a good plan since start of the year about how to prepare the Test. However, I have not had time to do it yet. Over the weekend, Sam, my husband and I had a long discussion about my career and the opportunity. We both agree it would be too late after I complete my contract with EQC.

Therefore, I wish to submit a formal resignation from this job.
This will give other people who is looking for a good employee an awesome opportunity while it might bring me to achieve my dream.  

Thank you for you and Candi’s kind support and all the generous treats.
I really love your leadership and our team spirit.

I wish everything goes very to the Centre and everyone.


Morning XXXX

Please find below, Marleen’s resignation email.  Her last day would be the 1st April 2016.

Thank you


Hi Marleen,

This is to confirm the acceptance of your resignation which I received on Tuesday 8 March 2016.  As requested your last working day with EQC will be 1 April 2016.  I would like to thank you for all your hard work and commitment during your time with EQC, it has been a pleasure working with you and I wish you the very best of luck for the future.  With the dedication you show towards everything that you do, I am sure that you will be successful in both your test and meeting your career goals.


三月十號無意間在公司的個人寄物箱轉角,遇見剛出差回來的中心經理。她先用一雙大眼睛瞪瞪我,接著說:「I couldn’t believe you are leaving us… I was in Wellington the day when I received your resignation. I phoned xxxx 5 times want to know whether this is a joke or not…」於是,我把辭職的理由又說了一遍。沒想到她的回答是:「Go for it, I believe you will be an awesome teacher … …」。





